Woman holding up glass of water

UV Water Filtration Systems in Walkerton, Owen Sound, Hanover, Durham, Meaford, Markdale, and Wiarton

When you need to eliminate microorganisms from your water, consider an ultraviolet (UV) system. A UV system effectively reduces 99% of the contaminants in your household water to make it safer for your family to drink.

At Royal Water Filtration, we sell UV systems to Grey and Bruce Counties’ households concerned about reducing levels of bacteria, viruses, and cysts in their water supply.

Eco-Friendly Water Purification

A UV system uses UV light to purify water of contaminants such as bacteria, coliform, cysts, and more in your water supply. In addition to being highly effective at eliminating these microorganisms, there are numerous other advantages to using a UV system as well, such as: 

Find out if you need a UV system in your home. Call Royal Water Filtration for a free, no-obligation water testing.

Excalibur Premium Ultraviolet System
Mother giving glass of water to child outdoors

Get Soft,
Bright Hair

Don’t let hard water dull your hair.
Get rid of hard water
with a water softener. 

water drop splash

Does Your
Water Smell?

Sulfur-rich water
can give your water
a rotten egg smell. 

Getting glass of water from kitchen tap

Get Rid of
Cloudy Water

Water should come out
clear from your
household taps. 

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