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UV Bulbs and Reverse Osmosis Filters in Collingwood

At Royal Water Filtration in Chatsworth, we offer replacement parts for UV light bulbs and reverse osmosis filters. If you have a water system treatment in your home already, you understand how important it is that every part keeps functioning. 

Filter Cleanings and Bulb Replacements

At least once a year, reverse osmosis re-filters and post-filters need to be replaced to ensure proper performance. Since most UV lamp bulbs are rated at 10,000 hours, the bulbs should be replaced at least once a year. 

If you are unsure about the status of your water system equipment, call a technician at Royal Water Filtration. We service household water systems throughout Grey and Bruce counties.

Excalibur 5-Stage Reverse Osmosis System
Mother giving glass of water to child outdoors

Get Soft,
Bright Hair

Don’t let hard water dull your hair.
Get rid of hard water
with a water softener. 

water drop splash

Does Your
Water Smell?

Sulfur-rich water
can give your water
a rotten egg smell. 

Getting glass of water from kitchen tap

Get Rid of
Cloudy Water

Water should come out
clear from your
household taps. 

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